My Feet & Diabetes - Introduction

Set the scene.. You’re sitting in the chair in the of the doctors room. Actually, lets be realistic, you’re more than likely sitting in your living room on the phone to your doctor - don’t you just love the covid world? - and they hit you, metaphorically speaking, with the dreaded but not uncommon diabetes diagnosis.

With Blood tests, potential new medication, the GP bluntly and traumatically telling you to basically never eat cake or a chocolate doughnut again… it’s understandable that all the information thrown at you goes straight in one ear and out the other, with you vaguely recalling the instruction to “not cut your own nails”.. but what does having diabetes actually mean for your feet?

Fear not! From sensation to explaining why having hairy toes is actually a good thing, I’ll be taking you through all what having diabetes means for your lower limb.

But who am I to be blurbing my diabetic nerdy knowledge to you? Im a Specialist Podiatrist now working in a private practice, who has had the pleasure of working with diabetics of all risk levels. From the slightly dry foot to the whopping great ulceration, I’ve seen and treated it all. In this blog series I’ll cover everything you need to know in order to keep your feet in “tip, top” condition.